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The “Hoheluft” model is made of carefully crafted vegetable vintage leather, which was made by a top German tannery using a particularly sustainable manufacturing process. In contrast to the past, where the leaves of the olive trees were burned after the harvest, the leaves are now collected and processed into a 100% natural raw material for tanning.
This creates a very soft upper leather with a flat structure that fits your delicate Apple Watch® perfectly. The dense, solid structure gives the bracelet durability, and its smooth surface in four color variants gives it a natural aesthetic. Not only can you see and feel that you are wearing a very special leather bracelet on your wrist, but you can also smell it. Because this extraordinary natural product exudes a subtle, fine olive scent. Not everyone knows the story behind it. But you do.
In a world overwhelmed by hastily produced, assembly-line goods, we are committed to being a home for the counter-movement. The manufactory brings unique products together with connoisseurs. With us you will discover excellently crafted, beautiful things with character and soul. We value the special and love the real. Our passion drives us to tirelessly look for manufakturwerkrs that are setting new standards in their field. We take time for timeless things. And we welcome everyone who thinks the same way.
Since October 2023, the MANUFAKTURWERK brand has belonged to the company Selva Technik GmbH. A partnership and symbiosis that not only complements each other perfectly, but also stands for something that is increasingly neglected these days. For carefully selected quality products that do not simply represent pure mass, but rather class. For a commitment to quality and craftsmanship.
Ultimately, both brands can rely on a wealth of know-how and valuable expertise. While MANUFAKTURWERK has been setting real standards for years, especially in the area of first-class watches and associated utensils such as watch straps, the SELVA brand has been offering a unique all-round package since 1961, a range that includes everything that is eminent in watches - whether straps, clock movements, hands or pendulums . Seen in this way, the brand symbiosis of MANUFAKTURWERK and SELVA is a living example of the fusion of specialist knowledge and a special dedication to the wide and diverse world of watches.